

Afield study has been conducted at Al-Mishkhab rice research station(Najaf Governorate) in 2011 rice season to study the morphological relationship and distribution of eight rice varieties(Anber33, Jasmine, Furat1, Barnamaj4, Mishkhab1, Mishkhab2, Anber Abbasiya, Anber Al-baraka). Transplanting method has been used for planting in rows(30×20)cm distance between seedlings into plots (5×5)m size. The study has been designed using RCBD in three replications. The recommended fertilizer has been added. At rice cycle, the weeds are removed by hand for three time. The UPOV description of 27 morphological characters has been used. The results obtained show that seven out of the twenty seven studied characters could be distinguish between the eight varieties.
The rest of the characters, show less variability among the eight varieties. Genetic similarity based on morphological characters showed that genetic similarity degree ranged from (0.81 to o.98). The genetic similarity between Anber abasiya, Barnamaj4, Mishkhab2, and Furat1 varieties were (0.93). There is a variability between Anber33 and Jasmine with other varieties which appear similarity at the distant is(0.91), these varieties are different as separate branches than the other. The Mishkhab1 and Anber Al- baraka appear similarity as a separate group at distant (0.98).
