Document Type : Research Paper


1 Baghdad-Iraq\\\\university of Baghdad- engineering college-water resources department

2 Baghdad-Iraq


Tigris River is an important water body in Iraq for drinking, agricultural, industrial, and livestock uses. The river flows from Turkey to the Iraqi land at Fiesh-khabour district in the northern part of Iraq and flows into Mosul city. Therefore, this study aims to simulate the flow in the Tigris River using the latest version of the HEC-RAS model (v5.0.7). The calibration and verification of the model showed that the final Manning’s roughness coefficients (n) of the main channels for the Tigris River were 0.036 and 0.026 for Mosul and Tikrit sites respectively. The Results illustrated a very good agreement between the simulated and measured stages. The Root Mean Square Error RMSE, MAE, and Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency Criteria NSE, tests were used for calibrating the unsteady state flow model where it served as a comparison of calculated water levels by the model for each of the Manning index values ‘n’ with the observed water levels as a function. The final Manning’s roughness coefficients (n) of the main channels for the Mosul and Tikrit sites were 0.036 and 0.026 respectively. It's suggested to construct of hydraulic structures such as a dam with a reservoir beside this area to operate water stations and electric turbinate’s and other projects built next to the river, such as irrigation projects. Recommended using the simulation of the present study in the future to study the effect of constructing a dam in the Tikrit region. In addition, the current simulation can be used in the future to study the TDS, transportation of sediment loads, or pollution along the river.


Main Subjects

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