Document Type : Research Paper


1 Food Technology Department

2 College of Agriculture Engineering Science

3 Salahaddin University

4 Erbil,

5 Iraq

6 *Food Technology Department


A total of 50 different samples were collected randomly from November 2021 to the end of February 2022 in Erbil city, In order to isolate different types of Staphylococcus which are isolated from different sources like (milk, cream, bakery products, poultry, hand worker). Number of testing that were used to identify the bacteria: mannitol fermentation, Gram staining, coagulase, hemolysis, catalase, Test results confirmed with the Vitik 2 compact system. Using probiotic Lactic Acid Bactria agents staphylococcus aureus that the results have shown the LAB effect on S. aureus which is inhabition zone 5.3 cm , 5.2cm, 5.2cm, 5.1cm, 5.1cm, 4.9cm, 4.8cm,4.8cm, 4.2cm, 4.0cm, 3.9cm,3.8cm,3.5cm,3.3cm,2.5cm.


Main Subjects

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