Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Agriculture, University of Al-Qadisiah, Iraq.


The current review showed that storing eggs for a period of more than 7 days affects the quality, the  internal characteristics of the eggs and the extent of survival of the embryo during the periods of egg storage and subsequent incubation. Besides, the dam age also has an effect that interferes with the length of the storage period. Increasing the length of storage period causes a negative decrease in the egg characteristics of old breeders (breeders<53 weeks of age) and young ones. The decrease is more pronounced in some of the characteristics of the eggs of small flocks compared to the older ones, such as the increase in the pH of albumin, as well as the morphological changes of the embryo that increase with the increase in the length of the storage period, but this increase is more pronounced in the younger flocks than in the larger ones. Storing the ggs for a short period (<7 days) does not reduce the hatching rate of the eggs of young breeders, this may be due to the lack of fluidity of the albumin and the availability of oxygen to the embryo. Increasing the length of storage period affects negativelythe hatched chicks charactoristics ( young and old broodstock). The interaction between length of egg storage and the age of the breeders on the characteristics of hatched chicks is not sufficiently clear. It can be concluded from this study that storing eggs for a short period improves the hatchability rate of the of young mothers, not of old ones.The negative effect of prolonged egg storage has less effect on the eggs of young breeders than eggs of older ones. The conditions of egg storage have an important effect on the characteristics of hatching and hatched chicks when storing eggs for a long time.


Main Subjects

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