Document Type : Research Paper


1 Diyala University

2 College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Diyala, Iraq

3 College of Agriculture, University of Diyala, Iraq


Bacillus sp was isolated and diagnosed from the rhizosphere of halophytic wild plants (Schanginia aeguptiace plant, Atriplex halimus plant, and the comparison soil far from the effect of the roots) and during three stages of plants growth (germination stage, vegetative growth stage, stage post flowering), and for three locations that included (Diyala University, Muqdadiya , Baladrooz) during the season of 2020. The diagnosis included studying the phenotypic, microscopic and biochemical features of these isolates and testing their efficiency in dissolving Tri-calcium phosphate Ca3(po4)2 as a source of phosphate after growing them in liquid and solid Pikovskayas media and estimating its solubility factor, and its efficiency in changing the degree of the medium reaction. The results of isolation and diagnosis showed the spread of Bacillus sp in saline environments, as 7 isolates out of 27 isolates that isolated during the growth stages of different halophytic wild plants were belonged to Bacillus subtilis, viz (B1, B5, B6, B7, B11, B15, B18, B19, B22, B23, B26), while the rest of the isolates belonged to Bacillus megaterium, whereas the isolates B1 and B2 were recorded the highest solubility factor reached (1.40 and 1.50) respectively, the isolate B26 was able to reduce the pH value of the inoculated medium to 4.81.


Main Subjects

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