Document Type : Research Paper


1 Bioclimatology and Agricultural Hydraulics Research Division, Algerian National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRAA), CRP, Mahdi Boualem, Baraki, Algiers, Algeria

2 Laboratory of Applied Geology, Department of Soil Science, Superior National School of Agronomics (ENSA), Algiers, Algeria

3 Bioclimatology and Agricultural Hydraulics Research Division, Algerian National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRAA), CRP, Mahdi Boualem, Baraki, Algiers, Algeria.

4 Bioclimatology and Agricultural Hydraulics Research Division, National Institute of Agronomic Research, Algiers, Algeria


The primary objective of this study is to use a better method for rainfall mapping in areas with low density rain gauge networks. Secondly, to identify and study hydro-climatic change in the semi-arid high plains of eastern Algeria on the basis of a comparative mapping approach. The latter concerns the annual rainfall map produced by the authors of this paper for the period studied (1986/2016) and the annual rainfall map for the period 1913/1938, prepared by Chaumont and Paquin (1971). The results of this analysis show that isohyets between 300 mm and 350 mm cover a large part of the study area, they occupy an area of 14444 Km², followed by isohyets between 200 mm and 300 mm with an area of 5298 Km². In addition, the comparative analysis between the periods showed that hydro-climatic change was clear for the 200 mm, 300 mm and 400 mm isohyets, whereas there are no major changes for the 500 mm and above isohyets. Data processing based on a combination of statistical and geostatistical analysis (multiple linear regression and kriging) has once again shown the value of taking into account other parameters in the design of rainfall maps, such as geomorphological and geographical parameters.


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