
This study was aimed to isolate & identify some of enteric pathogens
in camel fecal samples by using analytical profile index; A total of (53) fecal
samples were tested, (30) isolates were lactose fermented on MacConkey
agar. The API20E test revealed that (21,9) infections with Escherichia coli
& Enterobacter cloacae,(39.6,16.9)%, respectively. From the non-lactose
ferment isolates (23) which sub cultured on salmonella-shiegella agar, from
these only (4) isolates identified as Salmonella sp. (7.5%) by API20E. The
antibiotics sensitivity test showed the resistance of E. coli & Salmonella sp.
pathogens against tetracyclin & streptomycin, while these were sensitive to
amikacin & intermediately sensitive to chloramphenicol. The Enterobacter
cloacae was sensitive to all antibiotics that covered in this study.