
Technical Institute /AL -Musaieb


The objective of this research is to achieve the stastistcal analysis of Sunflower productivity kg/ha which is farmed in Iraq for the period (2004-1010) period by using 1. Parametric Test (One Way – ANOVA Test) . 2. Non Parametric Test)Kruskal-Walls Test (.The following two comparison are achieved : 1. A comparion among ten iraqi provinces of (2004-2010) . The result indicated that are significand differences at 0.05 level of significance among some , but others aren’t. The best province is Al-Qadisiya , which had higher productivity average. The provinces are classified into three levels according to their productivities . 2.A comparion through time among seven years in Iraq for the period (2004-1010) . The result indicated that are no significand differences at 0.05 level of significance through the period . this result indicated that is not any Sunflower productivity growth in Iraq .The Sunflower productivity is low when it is compared with the productivity of the wor1d countries. Thus , the important suggestion is to do our best on reach higher productivity level with the wor1d countries for example Egypt , and Switzerland.
